
Tracking Funding in the Covid19 Era

Techboard has been monitoring the growth of the Startup and Tech Ecosystem in Australia since 2017. We track all sorts of funding events, including venture capital and other private investment, public investment via the ASX, venture debt, equity crowdfunding and more. We have been tracking the growth of the ecosystem.  Unfortunately in the era of COVID 19 it looks like we might soon have to track its temporary leveling or even decline.

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Reopening SIV approvals could help save start-ups from COVID-19 calamity

Potentially $100 million could be immediately unlocked to provide a life line for startups, entrepreneurs and emerging companies which are being crippled by the COVID-19 crisis, if applications under the Significant Investor Visa program were reopened.

Executive Chairman of Atlas Advisors Australia, Guy Hedley called on the Australian Government to give urgent priority to fast-tracking capital flows under the SIV program.

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Venture Capital Investment in Australia FY2004 to FY2019

The Department of Industry Science Energy and Resources recently put out the latest edition of the Venture Capital Dashboard tracking the sector going back as far as 2004.  This is compiled based on data that venture funds who are part of two government programs are required to report to the Department.  Here at Techboard we were interested to see how our data capture compared to what was reported to the Department (who by the way was Techboard's first data customer) and thought you might be too.

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Techboard’s latest Funding Report reveals Startup and Tech funding increased massively from 2018 to 2019

The December quarter of 2019 saw Techboard capture 187 funding events from 175 companies with a total value of $1.718 Billion, making it the third highest funded quarter to date but the highest for private investment recorded by Techboard with the total amount of reported private investment totalling $891m.  Some standout funding events occurred in the December quarter but overall the quarter was most notable for an increased number of larger investments, particularly above $20m in value, reflecting the increasing maturity of the market.

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