Techboard Directory

There are over 3000 Australian startups and tech companies with profiles on Techboard.

Notice: We will be upgrading this search facility in coming months adding in more filters including by funding events and Startup Hubs. If you want to know more about funding events for Australian startups and young tech companies check out our Funding Reports.

Companies: If you can't find your company in the Techboard Directory you can add it yourself. Companies with profiles in the Directory can claim them for free and use our Announcements platform.

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Logo Company State/s Categories
Prooftec New South Wales Automobiles, Insurtech, Transport & Logistics
FGMNT. Victoria VR & AR
SavvySME New South Wales Marketplace
Omny Studio Victoria Business software, Media
Merchant Cash New South Wales Fintech
Vedi Western Australia Business software, Health & biotech
Group Together New South Wales Consumer goods
MyWave Victoria AI, Adtech & martech, Data analytics
Encapto Victoria Business software, Telecom
BAUSELE New South Wales Consumer goods
Genics Queensland Agritech, Health & biotech
Installment Loans Queensland Fintech
Waave New South Wales Fintech
Integrated New South Wales Fintech
Replica Studios Queensland AI, Marketplace, Media
Beer Cartel New South Wales Food & drink
Strong Compute New South Wales Telecom
Cipher Sports Technology Group Victoria Entertainment, Gaming
Myriota South Australia Agritech, Hardware & devices, IoT
Alkira Software Queensland Adtech & martech, Media
NeoGenix Biosciences New South Wales Health & biotech
Grong Grong Solar Farm New South Wales CleanTech, Edtech
Solara New South Wales Blockchain, CleanTech, Energy
VoipLine Telecom Victoria Telecom
Verteva New South Wales Insurtech

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