
Female Founder Funding Report FY2018 – FY2021

Techboard is pleased to present its very first special report on Female Founder Funding in for Australian Startups. The report covers the four financial years from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2021 and is the most comprehensive analysis undertaken to date of the successes of  Australian female founded startups and considers both solely female founded companies and companies with at a mixed gender founding team including at least one female founder.

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Techboard’s Funding Event Search Engine Update

The Techboard Team are pleased to report that we have just issued a platform update to the Techboard Funding Event Search Engine. This update is primarily to add a 9th variable to our search and filter, namely, Team Gender, just in time for the release of our latest Funding Reports, significantly the Female Founder Funding Report, which will be published on Tuesday 28 September. The update also deals with a few bugs we had identified as well as speeding up the search.

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FUNDED Edition 2: August 2021

Welcome to FUNDED, a snapshot of the latest funding news on the Australian Startup and Tech scene.  In preparing FUNDED we pick up the news from other news channels as part of our routine data collection activities that have seen Techboard compile the most complete collection of funding events for Australia's startups and young technology companies.  This list below while lengthy is far from the complete list of what we capture. For access to our full data capture, sorted, catalogued and full searchable, inquire about a data subscription.

In this edition of FUNDED we are covering August 2021 and bringing you the latest news on companies that have secured funding, news on the latest funds and also stories about who is seeking funding. So far for August we have identified over 105 funding events, including more than 50 private/VC raises totalling over $840m, pretty big, but by no means a record with June 2021 seeing $866m raised from 96 investments and July with $1.1b from 54 investments. However the last 3 months collectively is the biggest 3 month run that we have seen. For more info on FY21 look out for our upcoming Annual Funding Report.

If you know of stories you think we should include please let us know. Funding events can be reported to us and companies that have claimed their profile on Techboard can make announcements. Contact us at [email protected].

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FUNDED Edition 1: July 2021

Welcome to FUNDED, a snapshot of the latest funding news on the Australian Startup and Tech scene.  In preparing FUNDED we pick up the news from other news channels as part of our routine data collection activities that have seen Techboard compile the most complete collection of funding events for Australia's startups and young technology companies.  This list below while lengthy is far from the complete list of what we capture. For access to our full data capture, sorted, catalogued and full searchable, inquire about a data subscription.

In this edition of FUNDED we are covering July 2021 and bringing you the latest news on companies that have secured funding, news on the latest funds and also stories about who is seeking funding.

If you know of stories you think we should include please let us know. Funding events can be reported to us and companies that have claimed their profile on Techboard can make announcements. Contact us at [email protected].

Sign up below to see the full list from this edition of FUNDED and to get future editions straight to your inbox.

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Australian Angel Awards 2021

Techboard are pleased to announce the Australian Angel Awards 2021 are open. The awards recognise and celebrate those active in the Angel investment community and the importance of Angel investment to the growth of the Australian startup and tech ecosystem and its broader impact on the Australian economy and community. ENTRIES ARE NOW CLOSED.

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