Problem Solvers are signing up for Techboard’s Problem Solver Board

Company Name: Techboard

Announcement Date: 20/05/2016
Announcement Category: Product launch/update
Announcement Content:

We are very pleased that we are starting to get some prominent problem solvers signing up for Techboard's Problem Solver Board where startups and tech companies can find validated problem solvers. Validated problem solvers signing up include:

BDO, Ammo Marketing, Atamo and Bam Creative.

Before any Problem Solver's profile can be viewed by users the problem solver must first establish a connection with a company listed on Techboard which must be accepted by that company.

Approved connections between problem solvers and companies are Testimonials that appear in each other's profiles.

Once we have enough problem solvers registered we will introduce search functionality.

For more information click on the link below.

Announcement URL:
About Techboard:

Techboard is Australia's largest directory of startup and tech companies and the best source of funding data on Australian startup and tech companies.

Techboard is the number one source for up-to-date data on Australian startups and young tech companies. We currently have profiles on over 3,000 startups in the Techboard Directory. We are actively tracking funding events for these companies. Using this information, we produce Australia’s most comprehensive funding reports and make our funding data available to commercial subscribers.

For more information see:

On the back of our ever growing data resource, we have an unsurpassed ability to produce specialised reports for internal or external use, and provide access to our ever expanding database. Our data enables us to report on sectoral or geographical trends as well as being able to monitor the progress of individual or groups of companies.

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Announcement Contact: [email protected]

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