Techboard Startup Ranking #14
For the period ending 30 March 2016
Clean energy tops our ranking this fortnight with three cleantech companies in the top ten.ranking.
It’s been a good fortnight for wave energy technology companies in particular, with Carnegie Wave Energy and Protean Wave Energy taking the top spots. Carnegie announced it had secured a 35% stake in clean energy startup Energy Made Clean (itself ranked sixth) for $4.5m. The deal received good local media and social media coverage, and Carnegie shares surged on the announcement.
Protean announced its project to launch up to 30 wave energy converter buoys in Bunbury, which saw extensive national coverage.
Here is a taster of the top 100 in Techboard’s latest
startup ranking for the period ending 30 March 2016.
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Internet security company iWebGate remains in the top five, receiving two nominations from our panel of experts largely as a result of the $11m funding deal it announced in the previous period.
Storage space marketplace Storekat climbed twelve places to fourth, having scored highly in our social media metrics, and received a panel of experts nomination.
Other startups in our top ten include tracking company Fleetsu, which pitched to the Western Australian Angel Investors earlier this week, and digital identification company TikForce which announced a successful capital raise of $4.5m through a RTO of Palace Resources, with coverage in the AFR and Business News. Each company received one nomination from our panel of experts, and it was their first time in our top ten.
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Ranking #10 from 27 January 2015
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