Odio Tech

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Elevator Pitch:

15% of the global adult population suffers from hearing problems (i.e. hearing loss and tinnitus). But only 1 in 4 people access and benefit from currently available hearing services.

Hearing Power aims to change the global provision of hearing care to enable access to rehabilitation for everyone sooner, cheaper and more efficiently.

Hearing Power will provide a low friction, artificial intelligence powered platform to access hearing rehabilitation strategies, regardless of the person’s awareness or socioeconomic background.

Our first product, TinnibotTM by Hearing Power is an automated conversation agent to deliver self-help tinnitus rehabilitation combined with sound therapy. Tinnibot uses a combination of Natural Language Processing, therapeutic expertise, excellent writing, and humor to create the experience of a natural therapeutic conversation for users. The self-help content is developed from a patient-centred model, addressing the psychological and social challenges of tinnitus and tinnitus-induced anxiety and/or depression.

Category: Hardware & devices, Health & biotech
URL: http://hearingpower.co
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2020

4 Caroline Lane Balmain NSW 2041

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hearing-power/
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