
FUNDED May 2023

Welcome to our summary of Australian startup and tech company funding news for the month, FUNDED for May 2023.

Private investment levels from deals announced in May 2023 dropped from April's levels from $498m from 40 rounds down to $374m from 42 deals (noting we haven't had any angel deals reported to us for the month). This represents the lowest level of private investment captured for a May since 2019.  What should be noted is that there were no deals greater than $100m for the month and only megadeal of $50m or more. In fact, if we omit deals of over $100m, May had the largest amount of investment reported so far in 2023.

For the record Techboard captured a total of 95 funding events for May, including 42 private investments, 3 public investments, 45 grants and awards and 5 acquisitions. We created new profiles for 41 new companies, 31 new funders and 64 new company founders.

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FUNDED April 2023

Welcome to FUNDED for April 2023 our summary of Australian startup and tech company funding news for the month.

During the month of April  Australian startups announced they had collectively raised $498m from 40 private rounds. This was a substantial increase in dollar value from March which saw close to $206m from 49 deals (noting that we have added 14 rounds since the last edition of FUNDED... due to a delay in the reporting of generally smaller investments). Funding levels for the month were however buoyed massively by one funding round which accounted for 45% of the total value of the deals announced.

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FUNDED March 2023 – Including Q1 Funding Update

Welcome to this Month's FUNDED, also including an overview of funding for the March Quarter 2023.

As predicted in the February edition of FUNDED, March funding levels were quite subdued in part due to the fallout of the recent collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank as well as a number of other factors such the increase in interest rates and cost of living pressures. In March 2023 Australian startups announced they had collectively raised $204m from 36 private rounds. This was less than half the amount announced in February which saw $432m from 47 deals and even down from the usually slow January which saw $372m from 28 deals.

As a Quarter, Q1 2023 saw a little over a billion in private/VC investment with $1.010 billion from 111 deals. Read on for our breakdown of the quarter.

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FUNDED February 2023

FUNDED February 2023

Hey folks 👋

I’m Ryan, Techboard’s Data Analyst and I’m taking over this edition of FUNDED.

Australian tech startups collectively raised $426m in February 2023 from 44 private rounds, which around 50% more deals than in January.  

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FUNDED January 2023

Welcome to the January 2023 edition of FUNDED.  We are a little later than usual with this edition... we have been a little focussed on FUNDED 2022 and our new Fintech Funding Project. 

Australia’s tech scene kicked of the year with $451m in total funding for January, $379m of which comes from 30 venture capital deals. Almost half of that amount comes from one megadeals, Xpansiv’s $181m raise. January’s VC funding Funding levels were subdued as usual for a January with VC funding down $59m less than December 2022.

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FUNDED December 2022

This edition of FUNDED is brief for two reasons, December was a little quiet and we have also been working on our latest report, FUNDED 2022 Australian Startup Funding in Review. December 2022 did not continue the growth trend we had seen from September through to November 2022 from the low in August this year. December saw $438m from 45 deals (including equity crowdfunding raises) are included) compared to $685m in November. Taking into account all funding types we captured 55 completed funding events totalling $546m. Find out more about FUNDED.

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FUNDED November 2022

For the past two months Techboard has reported substantial month on month increases in private funding (of 140% and 33%) since the 9 month low in August this year. November showed marginal growth from October with $678m from 38 deals (or $685 from 49 deals if equity crowdfunding raises are included) compared to $665m in September.  This is now the third month in a row suggesting a recovery in funding levels when looking at top line dollar amounts. Taking into account all funding types we captured 61 completed funding events totalling $757m and another 12 open and future funding events. Find out more about FUNDED.

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FUNDED October 2022

So it is under six weeks to Christmas AND as an early Christmas present we have another edition of FUNDED covering October 2022.  Just like Techboard reported in September, October has seen a big jump in private funding. For October we captured $661m from 99 announced deals up from $498.3m from 52 deals for September.  This is the second month in a row which appears to suggest we are seeing a recovery in funding levels, with monthly funding in both dollars and deals reaching levels near the beginning of the last major growth phase we experienced in early to mid 2021 (see chart below). Taking into account all funding types we captured 146 completed funding events totalling $890m and another 25 open and future funding events.

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