We are continuing to add companies every month to Techboard and this Month’s Ranking covers 1258 companies, up 108 from last month. Ā In preparing our rankings we monitor 19 ‘data points’ in 11 categories. For this month’s ranking we noticed just under 40Ā funding and acquisition events, 150 milestone events and just shy of 250 news stories.Ā Ā In addition to this we have been monitoring social media accounts and web stats for all companies, changes in share price (for listed companies), activity on Techboard, as well as contributions by our three panels of experts (for WA, NSW and Victoria). Ā The news, milestones and funding items uncovered for the RankingĀ will be outlined in the Techboard Company Traction Report which will be released shortly. We are also working on our funding report for the June quarter which will detail all funding events we have uncovered over the last three months, including details direct from the investors in the deals which are not available elsewhere on Techboard or any other single source.
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ASIC releases consultation papers on regulation of equity crowdfunding (edited)
Coming just one week after the making of theĀ Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced Funding) Regulations 2017 onĀ 15 June the Australian Securities and Investments Commission released two consultation papers proposing guidance for public companies and intermediaries (i.e. crowd funding platform operators) to assist them in using the new crowd-sourced funding (CSF) regime commencing on 29 September 2017. The core part of the consultationĀ papers are two draft regulatory guides.
The Techboard TeamĀ recently attended an event by the Crowd Funding Institute of Australia (Perth Chapter)Ā Get updated with the new Equity Crowdfunding laws. There was a general consensus amongst the panel that the legislative settings along with new draft Regulatory Guidelines would lead to quite high capital raising costs under the CSF regime and that CSF would not likely be financially viable for capital raises below around $500K.

Insights into Investing in High Growth Ventures
We attended the Perth Angels breakfast event Insights into Investing in High Growth Ventures on 21 June 2017. Ā At the event the Perth Angels presented a panel of industry experts across the investment spectrum to discuss the quintessential angel investor question, “how do you pick winners in high growth early stage ventures?” Ā We put out a call for free tickets to this event at the Techboard table and were overwhelmed with the level of interest, particularly from companies on Techboard wanting to know more about the investment ecosystem.Ā Over the coming months Techboard will be bringing insights from a variety of different sorts of investors to its readers. If you have any suggestions as to issuesĀ you would like addressed OR if you would like to contribute a guest blog post pleaseĀ contact us.

Techboard Company Traction Report May 2017
Welcome to Techboard’sĀ Company Traction Report for May 2017. In this report we have highlighted traction by Australian startups and young technology companies, broken into the three headings of News coverage, Milestones and Funding events. We collect this data as a major input into the monthly Techboard Ranking. The companies are listed in the order in which they appeared in the May Techboard Ranking. Ā From next month if you want to have access to this report you must be logged in. Ā If you sign up you will also receive these reports straight to your inbox.

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