Future Friendly

Funder Name: Future Friendly
Funder Type: Corporate
Funder Location: Australia, New South Wales
Funder Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/future-friendly/
Funder URL: http://futurefriendly.team
Funder Overview:

15 years ago Mentally Friendly were the words that mostly clearly described our approach to design: making things that made people’s lives better.
But the industry has changed. Human centred design is widely understood and accepted — we’ve changed too.

We still make things that make people’s lives better. But we’ve grown. Our name should reflect our purpose. Future Friendly describes our approach to change.
Future Friendly means making change today, to build a better future.
One with better government, financial, education & mental health services – more sustainable communities, more empowered individuals.
We are a team of designers, engineers, product managers and human centred problem solvers.
We make immediate progress & lasting value by rapidly building products and services that build towards powerful visions of the future.
We exist to build a better future.

Investments/funding events:

Investment data is only available to paying subscribers or the owner of this funder profile.