
Company Announcements:
(reported by the Company)
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Elevator Pitch:

We started Touch 2 pay because we saw a need in the market to provide businesses with better options when it came to payments.  We noticed there was a gap in the market and wanted to make payments easier, safer, more secure, and more accessible.

Touch 2 pay is an integrated payment system which caters to the needs of businesses large and small and offer tailored payment solutions to suit each individual business model. Our diverse range of payment options covers all facets of the market, including e-commerce, retail, hospitality, trades and services as well as customised corporate solutions.

We are continually evolving to offer the latest and most convenient payment methods available. Today we are proud to be recognized as a tech industry game changer providing solutions to business owners. We work hard every day to help our clients grow their business through payments innovation

Touch 2 pay bringing the future to your fingertips

Category: Fintech
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2020

32b Hope St, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101, AU

State: Queensland
Overseas Operations: No
Awards won: