The Wine Collective

Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

The Wine Collective is set to launch in March 2019 and combines 70 years of retail experience, from The Wine Society and Cracka Wines, with cutting-edge digital technology to ensure our customers receive a highly personalised, seamless buying experience.

Our primary focus is offering our customers Australia's best wine range with which we will take them on an exciting and life long journey through the world of wine. The Wine Collective is committed to uncovering the best small and medium sized grape growers and winemakers from Australia and around the world with the objective of partnering with them and introducing their wines to The Wine Collective's growing customer base of highly engaged wine buyers.

Category: Food & drink, Marketplace
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2018

66 Bay St, Ultimo, New South Wales 2007, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
Awards won: