The Berry Tea Shop

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The Berry Tea Shop has been bringing joy and comfort through the ritual of tea since 2010. It was created by husband and wife team, Cliff and Paulina Collier, who between them they have over 20 years experience in the hospitality industry.

Moving to Berry from inner-city Sydney, Cliff and Paulina left their stressed-out city lifestyle behind to find some peace and quiet in the country.

Lured by the rolling green hills, that reminded Cliff of his homeland of England, they sold their busy cafe in Woolloomooloo and made the life-changing move.

As they began to slow down into country life and take stock of their lives, the idea of opening a little tea shop evolved. The Berry Tea Shop celebrates their love of all things tea and the very British tradition of sitting down to a good cuppa (preferably with a nice bit of cake!)

Category: Food & drink
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2010

1/66 Albert St, Berry, New South Wales 2535, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
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