Sunshine Hydro

Company Announcements:
(reported by the Company)
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Elevator Pitch:

Our vision is to play a key role in decarbonising the planet using technology. We have re-imagined long duration energy storage projects and deliver 24/7 carbon free energy.

Financial viability is solved. This means the wait for government funding is over, pumped hydro projects become bankable, and private capital is unlocked.

Pumped hydro is the backbone of renewables and we use our technology to optimise pumped hydro projects. This means the ROI is improved and the pay back period is reduced, putting pumped hydro investment opportunities firmly back on the radar of investors.

Pumped hydro re-imagined. Hydro Power 2.0 means we have something new and ground breaking to share with the hydro power industry. We have created a renewables ecosystem we call a Superhybrid‚Ñ¢ which combines a range of renewables technologies - with hydro power providing deep storage - to not only generate green energy 24/7 and 365 days but optimise every green electron generated for financial performance.

Private and public pumped hydro facilities benefit. These are exciting times for the global renewables industry. We encourage all hydro power industry participants - both public and private - to make contact and let us demonstrate the value we can add to pumped hydro projects.

Category: CleanTech, Energy
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2016

111 Eagle St, Level 27, Brisbane City, Queensland 4000, AU | Brisbane, AU

State: Queensland
Overseas Operations: No
Awards won: