
Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

Robobai is an Australian-owned AI procurement analytics business. We support procurement teams in autoclassifying and visualising complex P2P data in clean, interactive dashboards. Over $100 billion dollars of spend is currently being managed by Robobai.

Our AI automates finding the savings, providing monthly Savings Insights reports. This allows procurement people to be more efficient, focusing on outcomes rather than analytics. We train the AI to understand preferred suppliers, so we report category compliance at supplier and price level. We also make implementation easy and cost effective - no costly IT/ERP installation is necessary.

Our AI custom machine learning algorithms have been trained across multiple industry sectors to be specific with your data patterns. We're currently doing this across $64 billion of managed spend.

Our Anti-Slavery dashboards provide a transparent view through the entire supply chain, identifying anti-slavery risk by category and supplier.

Our Impact Spend dashboard identifies where spend can be redirected to Indigenous and Social enterprise, and is underpinned by highly accurate data classification.

Category: AI, Data analytics
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2017

24 Morgan Rd , Sydney, NSW 2085, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
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