
Company Announcements:
(reported by the Company)
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Elevator Pitch:

PolyVote allows people to connect with their local representatives and inform them on the issues that are important to them. It also allows for people to vote and comment on local, state and national issues and also bills that are before the senate and house of representatives. PolyVote is creating a community of people who are interested in the political landscape of this country, and more importantly giving them a voice that has been missing in this very critical process.

Category: Business software
URL: http://www.polyvote.org
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2018

18 Duke Street, Karrinyup, WA, 6018

State: Western Australia
Overseas Operations: No
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PolyVote
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Awards won:

Runner up in GovHack 2019