Penny Black Organincs

Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

Penny Black Organic is brought to you by Green Salon Certified environmental hairdressers. We’ve created what we believe are the cleanest, most sustainable luxury hair products in the world.

Being COSMOS Organic Certified means our products do not contain GMOs, animal derivatives, herbicides or pesticides. Unlike most luxury haircare brands, our products are free of all the harmful chemicals found in our banished ingredients list. Penny Black uses only the safest, purest, most effective ingredients. Our products are infused with powerful Australian Native Extracts that outperform traditional synthetic products.And whilst most of our ingredients are natural, we also use cutting edge green chemistry to create a few plant-based synthetic ingredients to boost effectiveness.Penny Black is, above all, founded on a passion for creating high performance, luxury organic hair products that are safe for both you and our precious ecosystem.

Category: Consumer goods
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2018

10/330 Mons Rd, Forest Glen, 4556, au

State: Queensland
Overseas Operations: No
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