Nip of Courage

Company Announcements:
(reported by the Company)
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Elevator Pitch:

Leading Australian Distributor & Exporter of Australian Craft Spirits. We are the first distributor ever to represent 100% Australian made and Australian owned craft spirits.

Nip of Courage® was founded in 2013 with a fearless heart, a crazy dream and a bunch of bloody awesome distillers located in isolated areas throughout Australia.

The Distilleries that we represent:
- Belgrove Distillery TAS
- Kangaroo Island Spirits SA
- Stone Pine Distillery NSW
- Timboon Railway Shed Distillery VIC
- Reed & Co. Distillery VIC
- The Aussie Tipple Company NSW

Our mission is to bring to the world quality Australian craft spirits with provenance that captivates the hearts & minds of discerning drinkers. Our values define who we are...

Entrepreneurship - The courage to innovate & create an inspiring future
Responsibility - Educate. Drink less, but drink better.
Integrity - The essence of everything successful.
Passion - Do it with oomph or not at all.
Diversity - Strength lies in our differences.
Sustainability - Ethical practices are key to protecting our environment.

Our team members bring unique skills and experience to the table. As we are a smaller spirits distributor, we are responsive and hands on and can deliver results more promptly than larger distributors.

At the heart of our accomplishments are the enthusiastic individuals who work at Nip of Courage. Individuals who are inspired to take hold of opportunities, develop and innovate, collaborate as a small team and think outside the box.

We hire people regardless of national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, sex, age, or sexual orientation. At Nip of Courage we acknowledge, value and respect diversity. We draw on diversity of thought and experience to reflect the rich array of cultures representing our broad global customer base.

To find out more please go to our website

Category: Food & drink
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2013

Sydney, NSW 2000, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
Awards won: