Koala Eco

Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

We make safe, powerful, plant-based products for a clean home, body and mind. Locally made with Australian Essential Oils. Refillable and recyclable. No new plastic created.

Koala Eco products are certified safe, non-toxic, natural and sustainable. They are not tested on animals and do not contain any harmful chemicals or synthetic fragrance, smelling only of glorious Australian essential oils.

Our bottles are made with 100% recycled and recyclable materials so no new plastic is created.

For every bottle sold we donate a percentage to the charity One Percent for the Planet. We are also proud sponsors of WWF Australia, Port Stephens Koalas and the principal sponsor of #naturepact a program designed to connect people with nature.

Category: CleanTech
URL: https://koala.eco
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2017

Sydney, NSW 2027, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/koalaecoau
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