
Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

Knosys is a leading Australian knowledge management software company based in Melbourne, servicing the Asia Pacific region. Our premier solution, KnowledgeIQ, is an organisation-wide application designed to bring together information from existing web-enabled legacy systems. Our customers span financial services, telecommunications and public sector.

- Melbourne based
- ASX listed startup
- Inhouse development and support
- Knowledge management experts

KnowledgeIQ Improves Organisational Intelligence
Reduce training time, share the knowledge of subject matter experts, remove adhoc processes, standardise content across departments and locations, learn from inbuilt analytics - all in the one platform.

Integrated Intranet
- Create or import content into KnowledgeIQ. Integrate with Sharepoint, link to web-enabled legacy systems, or use our open API to display knowledge assets on your website or social feed.
- Access organisational knowledge and information through one central system. Use the smart search feature or navigate through customisable taxonomies.
- Increase employee engagement by providing a platform for creation and collaboration.

Improve Customer Experience
- Connect KnowledgeIQ with existing digital channels such web portals and social media to ensure seamless omni-channel communication.
- Resolve customer queries faster by providing employees with access to accurate and consistent content, across business units and locations.
- Strengthen your organisation's brand by providing a consistent customer experience across traditional and digital channels.

Category: Business software
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable): KNO
Year of Commencement: 2015

Melbourne, Victoria

State: Victoria
Overseas Operations: No
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