
Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

What we Do: Keeyu streamlines e-commerce post-purchase operations, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing business costs.

Problem Statement: We've fixed a big e-commerce headache: shoppers not getting their stuff on time. Did you know that 38% of helpdesk tickets are complaints? Why It Happens: E-commerce operations can be tricky, with just one glitch causing late deliveries, customer frustration, and cost headaches. And guess what? Old-school helpdesks don't prevent these dramas before they happen.

Solution Statement: We help companies get their online shoppers what they want with no drama. How We Do It: Our platform smarts keep an eye on the post-purchase journey, from payment to delivery. Keeyu spots issues early and empowers customer support teams to ensure every order ends up right where it should be in the customer's hands, on time, hassle-free.

Benefits: Keeyu is all about making everyone's life easier. It slashes workloads and employee costs while ramping up team spirit and customer loyalty because when things go smoothly, everyone's happier.

Founded in 2023, the company is headquartered in Sydney, Australia, and is dedicated to empowering businesses to deliver exceptional post-purchase experiences.

Category: Fintech
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2023

Sydney, NSW 2000, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
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