
Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

Hillridge Technology Pty Ltd is a startup aiming to disrupt the insurance industry for agriculture a $60b industry in Australia with a history of being treated poorly by financial institutions. Our mission is to help farmers mitigate the financial impact of poor weather on their crops or livestock, in a way that goes well beyond existing crop or livestock insurance. Our project takes weather data, machine learning, mass-personalisation based on what, where and when the farmer is producing, parametric insurance and self-executing contracts based on blockchain to offer farmers greater peace of mind about the one big thing they can't control: bad weather. The vision is to first prove the business model in Australia, and then quickly roll out to under-served markets in Asia and beyond.

To learn more about our company, visit our website http://www.hillridge.com.au

Category: Agritech, Data analytics
URL: https://www.hillridge.com.au/
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2018

2/63 Dixon Street, Level 2, Sydney, NSW 2000, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hillridge-technology
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