
Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

On September 19, 2023, founder of the hugely successful Hosting With Heart podcast and accommodation directory Jen Clark launched an equity crowdfunding campaign via the Birchal platform to build a new, short-term accommodation booking marketplace for Australia and New Zealand, 'Heartful.'

Heartful's unique selling point is simple; it will feature a diverse range of short-term accommodation managed by people united by their ethos and commitment to inclusion, community-building, sustainability and accessibility.

Our capital raise through Birchal means that Heartful will be a platform for ethically-minded hosts that is also in part owned by hosts - people who truly get the need for meaningful change in this sector.

Listing on the site will require meeting a baseline set of criteria and agreeing to a code of ethics. Unlike Hosting with Heart's subscription based model, Heartful will be commission-based, with a low introductory 4% plus GST commission rate charged on each booking made through the site.

This model will allow Heartful to scale, driving more bookings to our community of ethically minded hosts, while offering a highly competitive revenue model.

In addition to the booking platform, we have plans to launch a host learning hub and supplier marketplace in the coming years, diversifying our revenue stream and providing more practical resources and support to our host community.

Finally, in line with our mission to make hosting more responsible, Heartful will donate 1% of annual revenue to social and community housing initiatives and will engage in other educational and philanthropic activities over time.

Want to help us on our mission? Invest in Heartful now on the Birchal website at https://www.birchal.com/company/heartful

Always consider the general CSF risk warning and offer document before investing.

Category: Marketplace, Property
URL: http://heartful.travel
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2023

Woodend , Victoria 3442, AU

State: Victoria
Overseas Operations: No
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/heartful.travel
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