Exceptional ALIEN

Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

We work with ambitious brands to create exceptional outcomes. Instead of speaking at audiences with one-way communication, we connect brands through community to generate long-term value and results.

We are the team behind Exceptional ALIEN ‚a global platform curating travel, creativity and culture. Our network comprises exceptional talent from around the globe, who choose to collaborate on projects with purpose.

Our Studio team have won every major global award in creative communications including multiple Grand Prix Awards at Cannes and One Show Entertainment, Clio Awards Hall of Fame, Webby Awards for Best Writing & Social Media, D&AD yellow pencils and the MTV Awards.

Contact: [email protected]

Category: Travel
URL: https://exceptionalalienstudio.com/
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2021

265a Crown St, Surry Hills, 2010, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/exceptional-alien
Awards won: