Circular Seed

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Elevator Pitch:

A leading clean tech company, Circular Seed pioneers decentralized management of challenging waste streams, driving businesses towards circularity via innovative waste solutions. We integrate effortlessly into existing operations, offering tailored waste, recycling, repurposing, and reuse strategies. Serving as a singular touchpoint, we automate complex waste disposal, harnessing cutting-edge technology to enhance operational efficiency while lessening environmental footprints. Passionate about sustainability, we prioritize waste reuse, recycling, and recovery, diverting from landfills. Our vast market network facilitates optimal waste solutions, saving clients both time and resources. At our core, we provide insights into waste patterns, empowering businesses to refine their practices.

Circular Seed stands as a testament to the potential of marrying technology with sustainability. As a trailblazing clean-tech firm, we've ardently championed the circular economy model, focusing on the holistic management of intricate waste streams. Our raison d'être revolves around enabling businesses to transition from linear waste disposal to a more circular approach – recycling, repurposing, and reusing, diverting vast quantities away from landfills.

Circular Seed is at the forefront of pushing the boundaries of sustainable business practices. We embody the essence of the circular economy, emphasizing the value of resource efficiency and waste reduction.

Category: CleanTech
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2018

20 Howson Way, Bibra Lake, Western Australia 6163, AU

State: Western Australia
Overseas Operations: No
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