
Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

Our journey began with a realisation that most kitchen bins were uninspiring and overpriced. We knew that we could do better, and that's why we created Carden Living.

We wanted to create a beautiful and functional bin at a fair price. Our team has worked tirelessly to create The Twin kitchen bin, a product that is practical and looks great in any kitchen. The Twin bin has two compartments for easy recycling, a hands-free pedal system for hygienic use, an integrated dustpan and broom and a sleek and stylish design that elevates any kitchen.

Our mission is to craft homewares that serve a practical purpose and add a unique touch to your living space. We take great pride in ensuring that our products are of the highest quality while imbuing them with a distinct aesthetic that is both timeless and modern.

The Twin kitchen bin is just the start of our journey and we need your help to get it to production. We have funded the design process and working prototypes, and the funds raised from this campaign will be used to fund our first production run and get the product to you, our valued supporters.

Category: Consumer goods
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2023

Melbourne, Victoria 3068, AU

State: Victoria
Overseas Operations: No
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