Cann Group

Company Announcements:
(reported by the Company)
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Elevator Pitch:

CANN Group Limited (ASX:CAN) is an industry leader, with a focus on the breeding and cultivation of cannabis, and the manufacture of Medicinal Cannabis Products for sale and use within Australia and export markets.

Through the hard work of a talented and dedicated team, CANN is working to provide the highest quality Medicinal Cannabis Products to patients to treat a range of medical conditions, and improve quality of life.

With licensed research, cultivation and manufacture facilities in Victoria, CANN Group is working to provide 100% Australian grown Medicinal Cannabis Products for patients; with the company's vision is to become a leading developer and supplier of Medicinal Cannabis Products.

CANN Group Limited was the first company in Australia to be granted a cannabis cultivation licence, and has subsequently been issued a manufacturing licence.

CANN Group has developed a number of strategic partnerships both in Australia and abroad, including Aurora Cannabis Inc; one of the world's largest cannabis producers. These partnerships are helping to ensure that CANN Group continues to lead the way in the areas of cannabis cultivation, production and development in the Australian market.

Category: Health & biotech
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable): CAN
Year of Commencement: 2017

Melbourne, Victoria 3000, AU | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute , 4 Research Avenue, La Trobe University, Victora 3083, AU | 4 Research Ave, Bundoora, Victoria 3083, AU

State: Victoria
Overseas Operations: No
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