
Company Announcements:
(reported by the Company)
Elevator Pitch:

Alcidion provides intelligent Health Informatics technology that empowers healthcare professionals with Clinical Decision Support Systems to ensure the highest quality of care for their patients.

Category: AI, Business software, Health & biotech
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable): ALC
Year of Commencement: 2016

Level 2, 40 Greenhill Road
Wayville SA 5034

State: South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia
Overseas Operations: No
Awards won:

Nathan Buzza

Having founded Clinical Middleware provider CommtechWireless in 1992, Nathan grew this business into a successful multinational with offices in Perth, Sydney, Jacksonville, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Vejle & London deploying the technology across 8000 locations worldwide. With 25 years’ experience in software, electronics and medical technology, Nathan is recognised as a technology pioneer in the evolution and implementation of specialised medical technology. In 2008 Nathan negotiated the trade sale of CommtechWireless to Amcom Software and continued as GM for 18 months post acquisition. Prior to the acquisition, Buzza was the principal shareholder, CEO and Chief Technologist of the company and was responsible for strategic planning, technology development and administration of the company’s affairs. In 2010, Amcom Software was acquired by USA Mobility (now Spok) for $163.8m. The business was listed by BRW as one of the fastest growing privately held companies in Australia for three consecutive years and the recipient of numerous accolades including: The Telstra Small Business of the Year Award, The Department of Industry & Resources “CY O’Conner Award for Excellence in Engineering” as well as the ATUG “Best Communication Solution”. In 2006, Nathan’s accomplishments were recognised by Ernst & Young, where Nathan was awarded the “Entrepreneur of the Year” as well as the WA IT & Telecommunications Life Time achievement Award for contribution to the IT community. Nathan judged the Innovator of the Year Awards and the Curtin and Cambridge Universities Ignite Programmes in 2010. Prior to Alcidion, Nathan’s Private Equity firms were the second largest shareholder of Azure Healthcare (ASX:AZV) and during Nathan’s tenure, the company share price increased 1200%. Nathan is a member of the NiQ Healthcare Advisory Board and a General Partner in Private Equity Firm, Future Health. Nathan studied a Bachelor of Commerce at Curtin University, majoring in IT.

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