
Startup and Tech Funding sees massive growth but are funding gaps emerging?

Techboard is pleased to present the Australian Startup and Young Technology Company Funding Report for FY 2018/19. The report and interactive charts are available for free below. Since the release of this Report on 18 October 2019, the Report and the underlying dataset have been used by our partners StartupWA and StartupAus in their reports published in December 2019.

Techboard's commercial subscribers are able to access the full underlying data set.

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Investing Like an Angel – Video

Techboard held its Investing Like an Angel event in Sydney on 27 September 2019 held in conjunction with the Angels of Australia and with the support of Tank Stream Labs and StartupDaily. The event featured a panel session where the audience got to hear from Investors who have backed some of Australia’s top startups. Even if you didn’t make it along to the session you can now hear about how they select their investments and get tips on what you need to do to tempt an angel to invest because it was all captured on Video.

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Australian Angel Awards 2019 – The Winners Are….

On 27 September 2019 the Australian Angel Awards for 2019 were presented by Techboard and the Angels of Australia.  The awards recognised and celebrated those active in the angel investment community and the importance of angel investment to the growth of the Australian startup and tech ecosystem and its broader impact on the Australian economy and community. The Awards were presented at Techboard's "Investing Like an Angel" event, the video of which is now available.

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Investing like an Angel (incorporating the Australian Angel Awards 2019) Tickets Available


Techboard is pleased to announce the winners of the Australian Angel Awards 2019 will be revealed at an event on 27 September 2019 at the Sydney Startup Hub.  The event will also feature a panel session where you will get to hear from Investors who have backed some of Australia's top startups. Hear about how they select their investments and get tips on what you need to do to tempt an angel to invest.

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Westpac launches its 2019 Innovation Challenge

$50K on offer for start-ups in the 2019 Westpac Innovation Challenge

The Westpac Innovation Challenge has launched today, giving start-ups, scale-ups and entrepreneurs the chance to win $50,000 and professional support to grow their business. The Challenge asks entrants to create a solution using data to solve a business problem specific to one of five different sectors: micro business, energy, insurance, aged care or government.

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Australian Angel Awards 2019


The Team at Techboard are pleased to announce that we have again partnered with the Angels of Australia to hold the Australian Angel Awards for 2019.  This will be the second time we have come together to host the awards, with the inaugural awards taking place in 2018.  The awards recognise and celebrate those active in the angel investment community and the importance of angel investment to the growth of the Australian startup and tech ecosystem and its broader impact on the Australian economy and community. Entries for the Awards are now closed, with the Awards event taking place on 27 September 2019.

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