VentureCast announces partnership with Moore Stephens WA in the launch of EnterpriseFirst

Company Name: VentureCast

Announcement Date: 26/05/2017
Announcement Category: Contract/Partnership
Announcement Content:

VentureCast, the cloud based business planning and financial forecasting software platform, is now being utilised as a part of a new startup and SME business support service called EnterpriseFirst - recently launched by mid tier accountancy practice Moore Stephens WA.

EnterpriseFirst is a highly accessible business support resource, dedicated to meet the practical needs of SME’s, startup and early stage businesses. The focus is firmly on tackling the challenges facing the startup and SME market in Western Australia with fixed price, no nonsense solutions. Part of the delivery model for EnterpriseFirst is based on deploying experienced experts who have previously run and operated businesses, to help both startups and SME's with a range of support including; business planning, marketing, coaching, raising funding, applying for grants, strategic and advisory help.

"It's really encouraging to see such forward-thinking from a respected Perth firm, in supporting the two sectors driving the WA economy" said Paul Clarke, founder of VentureCast. "The opportunity presented for big and small businesses alike to gain advice from experts that have 'lived experience' makes the partnership between VentureCast and EnterpriseFirst even more valuable."

More information can be found at

Announcement URL:
About VentureCast:

VentureCast is a suite of cloud-based financial forecasting and business planning tools that are designed to make achieving business growth and funding simpler. With an easy to use, step by step process that aids and challenges the core operations of your business, VentureCast produces high level planning and forecasting documents for you.

If you are an entrepreneur, start-up, not-for-profit, high growth or existing business who wants to raise funding either through venture capital, business angels, crowd funding, bank funding, self-funds or grants then VentureCast can help.

If you are an existing business owner looking to grow a new product or service, or take the business in a different direction, VentureCast can assist by creating forecasted financials from which you can make educated business decisions.

Go to Company Profile for: VentureCast

Announcement Contact: [email protected]

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