United Nations regulation on vehicle emergency eCall systems to save lives celebrated by IMR Technologies

Company Name: IMR Technologies

Announcement Date: 06/12/2017
Announcement Category: Other
Announcement Content:

IMR Technologies has welcomed a new United Nations Regulation aiming to harmonise systems which automatically alert emergency services in the event of a crash.

The UN cites that 1.25 million people die in road traffic accidents every year, with 50 million injured. By sending instant emergency alerts, the response time of paramedic and fire services can be greatly reduced.

‘eCall’ is a European Union mandate which requires every new car sold from June 2018 to have such an emergency alert device. The Russian Federation also has a similar emergency call system called ‘ERA-GLONASS’.

The UN Regulation on Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS), aims to align these systems to be compatible across multiple countries, spreading the benefit of eCall systems.

“It is terrific to see an international response to the need for improved emergency responsiveness through vehicle connectivity,” IMR Director Martyn Gilbert said.

“We are working closely with manufacturers around the globe to prepare for the EU’s mandate deadline in 2018,” Mr Gilbert added.
IMR’s Sentinel device is fully compliant with the eCall vehicle crash alert system and is able to be retro-fitted to existing vehicles or installed from new.

According to EU estimates, eCall devices like IMR Sentinel can reduce emergency response times by 40% in urban locations and by 50% in rural regions. This improved response time can decrease the number of fatalities and the number of severe injuries.

The full UNECE announcement is available here: https://www.unece.org/fr/info/media/presscurrent-press-h/transport/2017/new-un-regulation-on-automatic-emergency-call-system-for-road-traffic-accidents-will-reduce-response-times-and-save-lives/doc.html

For more information about IMR Technologies, visit www.imr-tech.com

Announcement URL: http://www.imr-tech.com/2017/12/06/united-nations-regulation-vehicle-emergency-ecall-systems-save-lives-celebrated-imr-technologies/
About IMR Technologies:

Vehicle accident detection, alert and management technology for individuals, companies and organisations. Leveraging our core IMR Sentinel technology we make rugged, versatile devices that seamlessly integrate with any type of vehicle.

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Cam Sinclair

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