Sharesight tracked $1.9B USD worth of investments in last 30 days

Company Name: Sharesight

Announcement Date: 18/09/2017
Announcement Category: Other
Announcement Content:

In the last 30 days, Sharesight tracked $1.9B USD worth of investments from active portfolios in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the UK, and the US -- and Sharesight clients on premium plans are currently averaging a 36% p.a. return. Overall, a new trade is added to Sharesight every 24 seconds.

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About Sharesight:

Sharesight is an award-winning fintech company with offices in Wellington, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia. Its secure, online portfolio tracker and performance reporting tool is used by over 300,000 DIY investors and finance professionals in over 100 countries. Sharesight syncs with brokers to track trades, dividends, and corporate actions automatically, and allows clients to securely share portfolio access with others.

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