Human Performance Specialist Joins Diversifly Mix!

Company Name: BeingVR

Announcement Date: 02/05/2017
Announcement Category: Team Update
Announcement Content:

We welcome Ryan Ng to the Diversifly team – an exciting addition for many reasons, not least because he has big plans to forge ahead using behavioural science to help organisations benchmark and leverage their people and culture, and more accurately understand their investment in human capital through immersive training.

Ryan is a provisionally registered psychologist and Member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) with a background in technology, education, and expertise in the science of behaviour. Having published research in the fields of personality, negotiation, and perception, he brings a unique evidence-based and people-oriented approach to solving workplace issues.

One of the advantages of training workforces in the virtual environment is that data can be more easily extracted and analysed to make sense of the notoriously slippery soft skills space, as well as provide unprecedented opportunities to revisit learnings and practice in a safe environment. Soft skills are becoming more highly sought after for effective leadership in uncertain times, and have been flagged as ‘uniquely human’ in a future of work that is predicted to belong to automation and robots.

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About BeingVR:

BeingVR develop immersive learning experiences that are engaging and memorable. We believe learning and development should be fun and accessible for everyone, and we're on a mission to narrow the skills gap for the future of work to benefit individual workers, organisations and the economy.

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Announcement Contact: [email protected]

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