Dubber (ASX: DUB) announces exciting new call recording & speech analytics partnership with RoutIT (KPN) in the Netherlands

Company Name: Dubber

Announcement Date: 26/10/2017
Announcement Category: Contract/Partnership
Announcement Content:

Dubber launches its call recording and speech intelligence SaaS in the Netherlands with an exciting new partnership with cloud services provider RoutIT. Dubber provides the technology that powers RoutIT’s latest offering: the HIP Recorder. Opening up these voice products to a new customer base, the HIP Recorder is available on various different plans on a monthly subscription model — making call recording and speech intelligence accessible to businesses of all sizes. Now all RoutIT business partners have the opportunity to access the value of their phone calls.

Announcement URL: https://www.dubber.net/introducing-hip-recorder-routit/
About Dubber:

Transforming call recording to the cloud.
Cloud-based call recording for any business.

Go to Company Profile for: Dubber

Announcement Contact: [email protected]