Techboard 2015 – Invitation

Techboard 2015

Techboard has been running the Techboard Ranking, a fortnightly listing of Western Australia’s trending startups and technology companies since September.Ā The event, sponsored by PwC is aĀ celebration of WA’s trending startups and tech companies.

As part of theĀ event we will be running a panel session on raising the profile of WA’s PWC_logostartups and tech companies facilitated by Charlie Gunningham from Business News. The panellists are all founders of unlisted startups and listed tech companies: Russell Francis from Velpic, Miles Burke from 6Q, Brian Leedman from ResApp Health, Andrew Hagen from Cycliq, Marcus Holmes from //Startup News and Becky Lee from OneVR.

A number of awards will be presented on the night including the Startup Awardlogo
sponsored by Eve Investments. Ā We are also pleased to announce that the Chief ScientistĀ Professor Peter Klinken has agreed to present the Community award to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to Startups in Perth.
We will be putting this award to the vote in coming weeks.


Time: 5.00pm for a 5.30pm start until 7:30pm
Date: Thursday 3 December 2015
Venue: PWC, Brookfield Place
Cost: Free

Register for this event HEREĀ and come along and help celebrate the companies that have been performing well in the rankingsĀ and get some insights on raising the profile of your startup.


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