
Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

According to the U.N we need to double food production to feed the growing population by 2050. 
Currently, over 45% of all produce is lost or wasted. This is larger due to over-ripping and Estimated to be over $700 Billion USD in losses. That rooting produce is through into landfill (1/3 of all landfill is produce) and creates a larger carbon footprint than the entire airline industry.

How do we produce more while wasting less? 

Postharvest has created a micro-sensor that measure produce health & ripeness stages within storage. This allow operators to exactly health 24/7 & exactly when to send it out to ensure it reaches its final destination. 
Our sensors have already been proven to reduce waste up to 33% within the supply chain. 

To further help PH has created Free online courses & certifications to the public and employees of the food industry to ensure they are best practices and how to waste less. Go to to start a cause and receive your Sustainability Sticker today. 

Category: Agritech, IoT
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2019

Pyrmont, NSW 2009, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
Awards won: