Parking Spotz

Company Announcements:
(reported by the Company)
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Elevator Pitch:

We know parking. Our team has had more than 20 years parking industry experience and with our existing networks and customer base, have a deep understanding of the challenges faced daily by participants in the parking industry. Changing mindsets and behaviour, the parking industry can innovate and transform, resulting in massive improvements to make our cities more liveable and sustainable.

We solve the problem of reliable real-time two-way data transmission in challenging communications environments, in concrete parking stations and buildings underground. Efficiently, cost-effectively and reliably, for parking and smart cities.

Our end-to-end platform technology enables users to share parking more resourcefully in a circular economy. Targetted to individuals, corporates and government entities.

Seamlessly. Sustainably. Smarter cities.

For smart sensors such as waste, safety, emergency lighting, ventilation, mechanical functions, sewerage, health and illness detection, our gateway is the answer to your data transmission in difficult underground built environments, where WiFi and mobile data are not viable.

Our gateway and platform integrate seamlessly with smart IoT sensors to efficiently and cost-effectively communicate data back to your dashboard.

Category: Transport & Logistics
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2019

Sydney, NSW 2000, AU

State: New South Wales
Overseas Operations: No
Awards won: