
Company Announcements:
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Elevator Pitch:

Outstaffer makes it amazingly simple to find, hire, equip and pay talented remote employees from around the world compliantly.

An Automated SaaS Global Employment Platform.
Our platform is designed to allow companies of all sizes to tap into the global talent pool and scale remote working and distributed teams. It solves the complexities of giving full-time employment to talented people from around the world with no compliance risk, enabling companies to find and hire top talent, make locally compliant payroll, offer great employee benefits, and equip their remote employees with managed devices and the tools they need to work productively, safely and securely from anywhere.

Our mission is to enable companies to overcome the limits of their local talent pool by building software that makes it amazingly simple to find, hire, pay and equip global talent across borders compliantly.
More importantly, we're attacking one of the biggest problems in the world - automated borderless hiring, equipping and paying global talent at scale with technology.

We're a remote-first company, and we practice what we preach. Our team of over 200 Outstaffers work remotely from around the world, including Australia, the Philippines, Singapore, Canada, India, Ukraine, the USA and many more.

Outstaffer is backed by leading Australian VCs and investors, including Side Stage Ventures, Utiliti Ventures, 1in100 Ventures, Beachhead Venture Capital, Spring Capital and Mondo Ventures.

Planet Earth, powered by Slack

Category: Marketplace, People solutions
URL: http://www.outstaffer.com
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement: 2020

132 Cremorne St, Cremorne, 3121, AU

State: Victoria
Overseas Operations: No
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/outstaffercom/
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