
Company Announcements:
(reported by the Company)
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Elevator Pitch:

OK Boocha is about to go national and we need your help.

We are a sustainable, local, boutique Sunshine Coast beverage manufacturer specialising in healthy alternatives to soft drinks.

Using premium ingredients we handcraft our range of raw kombucha and sugar-free sparkling waters with the care and love only a family-run business can provide.

Our latest addition to our beverage range is "Sunny Coast Water". A plastic-free initiative by OK. Canned on site, using locally sourced still and sparkling spring water.

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Category: Food & drink
URL: https://www.okboocha.com.au/
Operational Status: Active
ASX Listing Code (if applicable):
Year of Commencement:

16 The Esplanade, Torquay VIC 3228

State: Victoria
Overseas Operations: No
Awards won: