Company Name: Yabble
Announcement Date: 11/11/2015
Announcement Category: Awards/recognition, Investment
Announcement Content:
Today we're thrilled to announce that Yabble has been awarded $20,000 from RAC in it's recent SeedSpark Accelerator competition.
RAC SeedSpark is a startup accelerator program that provides you the funding and support for startup ideas 'for a better WA' off the ground.
Yabble came out on top with the 'Lifestyle' category prize and $20,000 in seed funding. Anna Powell, the CEO and co-founder of Yabble will be entering an 8 week accelerator in February 2016 and is aiming for Yabble to be launched early next year.
Announcement URL:
About Yabble:
Yabble is an online platform where parents can find and book after school activities and where activity providers can be discovered and fill their classes.
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Announcement Contact: [email protected]