wins Startup Weekend #7

Company Name: Mithrl

Announcement Date: 17/11/2015
Announcement Category: Awards/recognition
Announcement Content:

Veri Vote was the clear leader, but then there was a really difficult choice between the next four or five teams to get the rest of the places. They had three devs on their team, actually built the platform over the weekend, and could have done a great tech demo of it. But since they had such good validation from prospective customers, and the blockchain tech is so complicated it would have been hard to communicate exactly what the demo was doing, they didn’t bother. They could have just waved their hands and said “we’ll work out the technical details later” and won anyway. The extra credibility and authenticity from having actually built the thing helped them, but it wasn’t what won the weekend for them.

Announcement URL:
About Mithrl:

Trusted, efficient democracy. is revolutionising the electoral system with a secure e-voting using blockchain (bitcoin) technology.

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Announcement Contact: [email protected]

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