Company Name: UNISEG Products
Announcement Date: 15/12/2018
Announcement Category: Contract/Partnership
Announcement Content:
UNISEG Products has appointed RPP Containers ( as its US Distributor for its heavy duty, plastic collapsible bulk container. The UNISEG Container is also marketed as the Battery Transport & Storage (BTS) Container due to its design that makes it ideally suited for this application.
RPP Containers, head quartered in Cincinatti, Ohio, was founded in 1998 as Reusable Packaging Products (RPP). UNISEG Products believe their focus on manufacturing, selling and rental of plastic bulk containers and extensive client list, makes them an ideal distributor for the UNISEG / BTS Container.
UNISEG has been searching for a US Distributor for several months due to the numerous web enquiries we receive from US Companies for the container. Most of these inquiries have been for used battery applications from companies wanting to find a safer, more environmentally sustainable method to store their batteries. Some of the companies that have inquired include;
- Grainger
- Shell
- Cummins
- US Coast Guard
- Northrop Gruman
- General Motors
- Canadian Defense Force
The first shipment of UNISEG Containers is expected to be shipped in January 2019 and should be available to the US market in March.
Announcement URL:
About UNISEG Products:
UNISEG Products deigned and developed the UNISEG pallet as a multi-purpose storage and transportation container that can be used as a general freight container; for the direct transportation of certain dangerous goods & hazardous wastes and as an dangerous goods segregation device. The UNISEG Pallet offers the key benefits of safety, environmental sustainability, convenience, security and protecting goods from damage. The pallet has been provisionally patented in 33 countries.
In 2014, UNISEG Products started the company Battery Rescue to provide a used battery recycling service using the UNISEG Pallet.
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Announcement Contact: [email protected]