Company Name: Trendwise

Announcement Date: 24/10/2016
Announcement Category: Other
Announcement Content:

Big Data can unpack all the little decisions that shape your customers behaviour.

*As seen in the October edition of the CCI Business Pulse Magazine.

How many customers are we missing out on when we are closed? Did my social media post attract new customers to my business? Are my customers loyal to my brand or just to my location?

Are these questions you often find yourself asking?

Today, businesses are realising that decisions cannot simply be made on the suggestions and ideas. Hard data is needed to acquire an outcome.

Imagine if you could understand exactly when, where and how your visitors/customers interact within and around your location.

Whether it is a shopping precinct, a small café/restaurant or a one off event, data can be passively collected from a range of real world sensors and systems to uncover real time trends, statistics and intelligence in the offline environment.

Metrics such as, walk-by numbers, peak times, dwell times and visit frequency can be identified and subsequently used to make everyday business decisions.

A small café in Perth’s CBD posted a coffee-and-cake special to its Facebook page on Sunday afternoon and monitored customer behaviour throughout the week.

The resultant data showed a five per cent increase in overall customer numbers and recognised that thirty per cent of the café’s customers that week hadn’t been to the cafe before.

An additional layer of information for large formats including visitor hot spots, path/movement analysis and zone conversions can be extracted from big data.

Have you been trying to find out which entry and exit points visitors most commonly use, which areas are more populated/heavily underutilised or the common paths your visitors take?

Capturing this information can enable businesses to modify layouts, add a coffee van to an underutilised area to encourage better traffic flow or simply position a marketing sign in a busy area to generate maximum exposure.

A large outdoor exhibition client wanted to understand the offline behaviour of visitors that attend the free event.

This type of information was previously collected through manual surveys conducted by event organisers, who struggled to find accurate visitor data to report back to sponsors and stakeholders.

By gathering intelligent data event organisers were able to determine if the event was successful in achieving its specific objectives, assess the economic impact the event had on increasing pedestrian traffic to the area and better plan for future exhibitions.

Visitor analytics platforms are revolutionising the way businesses work by providing complex data in an easy to understand form to assist them in making intelligent, data-driven business decisions.

Ajay Jones is Head of Communications for Trendwise, a Perth based company specialising in Next Generation Visitor Analytics.

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About Trendwise:

Trendwise brings internet-style visitor analytics to the physical world.
Trendwise allows business owners to optimise customer engagement, conversion and loyalty by understanding exactly when, where and how visitors interact with their physical locations.

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