Mi Vista founder talks to Australian Financial Review

Company Name: Mi Vista

Announcement Date: 02/03/2016
Announcement Category: Awards/recognition
Announcement Content:

Mi Vista founder, Shannon Cloy talks about what brought about the idea of Mi Vista and how it all began.

Announcement URL: http://www.afr.com/leadership/entrepreneur/profiles/stabbing-victim-shannon-cloy-spends-compensation-on-mi-vista-selfdefence-startup-20160210-gmqkgl
About Mi Vista:

Providing Security for You,Your Family and Your Friends
Mi Vista allows you to keep in close contact with your family and friends whilst providing additional personally security at the touch of a button. Mi Vista allows you to instantly take and send a picture, your location as well as additional information to pre-selected contacts at the touch of one button.

Go to Company Profile for: Mi Vista

Announcement Contact: [email protected]

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