Company Name: Hydralert
Announcement Date: 02/03/2016
Announcement Category: Product launch/update, Team Update
Announcement Content:
The Hydralert team are happy to announce trials underway across 15 industrial sites in WA, SA and the NT. This includes West Angelas, Yandi, Cape Lambert, Agnew Mine, Santos Sites and Olympic Dam. Feedback received from customers has been incredibly positive to date. First sales are anticipated in 1 month.
Announcement URL:
About Hydralert:
Hydralert is a real-time, non-invasive, convenient, automated self-testing device for minimisation and control of heat stress. With global temperatures rising, the need for employers to control heat stress risks adversely effecting employees is emerging as a priority. The idea for Hydralert was conceived by Ryan Wynch, an occupational health specialist, while working in a remote mining and oil and gas site in far north Western Australia.
Go to Company Profile for: Hydralert
Announcement Contact: [email protected]