Company Name: HealthEngine
Announcement Date: 08/06/2015
Announcement Category: Special Offer
Announcement Content:
HealthEngine has a special promotion offering a tech pack for the person who makes the 1,000,000th booking.
NOTICE: This Announcement has been made by the Techboard Team. To make announcements companies need to take ownership of their company's profile.
Announcement URL: https://twitter.com/healthengine/status/606272667780415488
About HealthEngine:
HealthEngine is Australia's #1 online destination for finding and booking health appointments, 24/7. HealthEngine is committed to changing the shape of healthcare through the provision of online tools that benefit both practices and patients. By improving the way patients navigate the complex health system, and applying the power of internet and technology, we’re creating a better healthcare experience for all.
Go to Company Profile for: HealthEngine
Announcement Contact: [email protected]