Cribber’s New Admin Interface

Company Name: Cribber

Announcement Date: 10/05/2016
Announcement Category: Product launch/update
Announcement Content:

The Cribber team is excited about our new sleek website and admin interface. It provides a more simplified and intuitive way for our admin users to interact with our software and their teams.

Specific things that we’ve changed/added/updated:
- Consolidated newsfeed screen with bulletins and team lists
- Display of bulletin content and preview of attachments
- Removed sidebar and big header/leader (what were we thinking?!)
- Two click bulletin sending
- SMS sending to team members who don’t have the Cribber app
- Pinned bulletins for easy access to important info
- Updated main site

Also in the latest update we make the admin site super easy to use on an iPhone or iPad. The fully responsive site, now behaves more like a native app. Add the website to your home screen by tapping the share icon for easy access. It allow admin users to send bulletins with attachments and manage their teams when out in the field.

Announcement URL:
About Cribber:

Cribber communication provides workplaces with a mobile bulletin broadcast platform for open and clear communication with field/mobile employees, contractors and visitors.

Go to Company Profile for: Cribber

Announcement Contact: [email protected]

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