Cleansing Notice and Appendix 3B Hunter Hall Investment (ASX:FBR)

Company Name: FBR

Announcement Date: 16/12/2016
Announcement Category: Other
Announcement Content:

Further to the announcement on 9th December 2016 confirming a strategic and cornerstone investment by Hunter Hall Investment Management Limited, Fastbrick Robotics confirms that on 13th December 2016 completed the issue of 98,765,432 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of FBR. The shares were allotted at $0.081 per share and has raised a net total of $8,000,000.

Fastbrick Robotics gives notice pursuant to section 708A(5)(e) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) that:

1. FBR issued the shares without disclosure under Part 6D.2 of the Corporations Act; and

2. As at the date of this notice (14th December 2016), FBR has complied with: (a) the provisions of Chapter 2M of the Corporations Act as they apply to Fastbrick Robotics; and (b) section 674 of the Corporations Act; and

3. As at the date of this notice (14th December 2016), there is no information to be disclosed which is excluded information (as defined in sections 708A(7) and 708A(8) of the Corporations Act) that is reasonable for investors and their professional advisors to expect to find in a disclosure document. 'Excluded Information' is information that (a) has been excluded from a continuous disclosure notice in accordance with the ASX Listing Rules, and that (b) investors and their professional advisors would reasonably require for the purpose of making an informed assessment of (i) the assets and liabilities, financial position and performance, profits and losses and prospect of FBR, or (ii) the rights and liabilities attached to the shares.

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About FBR:

Fastbrick Robotics Limited (ASX:FBR) is an Australian robotic technology company developing and commercialising digital construction technology solutions. Fastbrick Robotics’ revolutionary bricklaying machine Hadrian X represents the first application of the Company’s underlying intellectual property portfolio. Hadrian X is a globally patented 3D robotic bricklaying system and marks the transition to dynamically stabilised robots (DSR) operating outdoors in uncontrolled environments.

Fastbrick is currently advancing its robotics technology through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE:CAT) demonstrating global scalability and a MOU with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia highlighting customer demand for Fastbrick's technology. Fastbrick is committed to improving the safety, speed, accuracy, cost and waste management in the global construction industry through utilising the world’s latest innovations in mobile robotic technology.

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