Bombora Wave Power appoints new Director to Board

Company Name: Bombora Wave Power

Announcement Date: 15/07/2016
Announcement Category: Team Update
Announcement Content:

Bombora Wave Power Pty Ltd (‘Bombora’ or ‘the Company’) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Erin Croot to the Board of Directors.

Ms Croot is a Certified Practising Accountant and brings a wealth of project management and contract negotiation experience to Bombora in her role as Director. Her executive experience includes working as Assistant Director in the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and Business Manager at the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and Arts. Ms Croot is also a Director of Kimberleyway Pty Ltd.

This expansion of the Board reflects Bombora’s progression, with the Company’s first full scale ‘invisible’ mWaveTM wave energy converter due to be deployed in Peniche, Portugal during 2017.

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About Bombora Wave Power:

Bombora is developing a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) to extract commercial quantities of power from the ocean. Each unit, rated at 1.5MW, is of a similar scale to the average size of most onshore wind turbines currently deployed.

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