6Q Launches NFP Discounts to Encourage Volunteer Engagement

Company Name: 6Q

Announcement Date: 11/12/2015
Announcement Category: Special Offer
Announcement Content:

PERTH, AUSTRALIA – 10 DECEMBER 2015 – 6Q, the Australian pulse survey system used by customer in over 30 countries, is now offering a substantial discount for not for profits, to help them engage paid employees and volunteers.

6Q’s unique visual feedback technique uses a simple sliding bar to control a friendly animated smiley face, replacing cumbersome number scales used on traditional surveys. 6Q’s secure dashboard delivers visual reports to managers by team, individual, or anonymously.

Founder and CEO, Miles Burke, said “”Since starting 6Q, we have been considering ways in which we can do more to support these unsung heroes. We believe by offering a significant discount, we can help support these not-for-profits and charities in engaging their paid staff and volunteers in their teams.”

“By offering a significant 60% discount across our plans, we hope to provide these groups with much-needed increased engagement of both employees and volunteers, whilst at the same time, saving their funds for the people who need it most, not for administrative overheads.” He added.

In a report published by Volunteering Australia, they stated “Characteristics of volunteering practice that have been found to facilitate social inclusion are the inclusive, accepting and equal quality of the relationship with the volunteer, volunteer-involving organisations’ responsiveness to individual strengths and needs, flexibility in job role and design, opportunities for peer learning and support, organisational cultures that demonstrate inclusion, participation, and adaptability, and the development of partnership between sectors.”

“Our experience with a wide range of organisations with 6Q has shown that our simple surveys really help create more inclusiveness and strengthen culture within workplaces. If we can help do this with these not for profit organisations, we’ll achieve our goals.” Miles Burke said.

Announcement URL: http://inside.6q.io/introducing-discounts-for-nfp/
About 6Q:

6Q empowers managers to collect meaningful and actionable employee feedback in less than two minutes per week.

6Q creates insights into employee productivity and happiness, and provides important feedback on your organisation every 1, 2 or 4 weeks.

Our pulse surveys allow between 1-10 questions and takes less than two minutes for employees to complete. Our customers, based on most continents, enjoy improved engagement, a better team culture and higher productivity.

Try a 25 day free trial by visiting our website.

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Announcement Contact: [email protected]

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