Company Name: Audeamus Risk
Announcement Date: 26/06/2017
Announcement Category: Awards/recognition
Announcement Content:
Audeamus Risk selected as the finalist for the Australian FinTech Awards 2017 - InsurTech Category.
Announcement URL:
About Audeamus Risk:
Audeamus Risk is an Australian InsurTech start-up and the world’s first Risk Transfer Exchange serving both mainstream and alternative Insurance and Re-Insurance industries through provision of non- modeled data. With the launch of the BIAX module, our exchange will be able to transact Business Interruption and Recovery information; based on results obtained through certified Business Impact Analysis (BIA), associated telematics and fully implemented Business Continuity Management Plans.
Business Interruption and disruption of various supply chains produces billions of dollars of losses each year, while growing interdependencies of newly emerging technologies and lack of timely translation of data generated by various devices pose a hidden risk to swift recovery. Audeamus Risk aims to reduce the complexity by facilitating more well-informed decision making.
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Announcement Contact: [email protected]